If you look at the images and listen to the audio in this section of the web site,, you will see a pattern if you watch the series "IMPULSE" the last scene, the last episode aka the very ending you will see the images... on this page Anyway what you find is that henry the nain character learns to teleport and eventually she gets to a new stage where time stops the images show 1)Arches which point to archetypes and a 2)Courtyard So you can see that to see past time you need to step into the archetype and worship mindset because the courtyard goes back to the assymbly of believers In other words you can see past time when you are in worship and you see the archetypes in all things because then you step intp the nothing is new mindset Symbolism: In the Bible, arches are iconic and draw one's gaze upwards to a higher ideal or transcendent reality. In the New Testament, the archis also a fundamentally Johannine symbol.